Brunarodrigues’s Weblog

julho 1, 2008, 4:38 am
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Hey everybody!As Liege wrote above (and I couldn´t agree more with her), travelling is one of the most exciting things to do in life. So, why not having a blog about travels where people can share their experiences and learn about those places worth visiting?

I love travelling and hope you do, too. I´m planning to go to England next year, I know there´s still a lot of work to do, but it is a dream, and a dream can come true if you want and work hard to turn it into reality.

I love the “Au Pair” program (God willing, someday I will be one), I’ve heard some stories about girls who took part in it and they just loved it. I have never done any exchange program, but I love this idea so much: the opportunity to go abroad, and learn about other people’s culture, thoughts, beliefs… Of course, this is a unique experience. Not only do you learn about different customs, but you learn more about yourself; this is a way to grow up, and get maturity.

Have you ever had an opportunity like that?

If your answer is “yes” tell me/us how great your experience was, I´m in the process of creating this blog, so you can certainly help me a lot by giving a suggestion or posting a commentary. 

Some time ago, I went to Maceió, (here in Brazil) and I loved travelling by plane hehe… I loved the people there, I loved their customs, their food. It was so fun, because, everywhere in the world, there´s a local law, there´s a regional party, there are typical dishes  that you don´t know, and you get surprised by a lot of things…And yet, at the same time, it´s fun when you get into their society.

On the plane to Maceió, I remember my father and I pretended that we didn´t know each other, and at a certain time, I pretended I was feeling bad. You have no idea how much we laughed on that plane. When we arrived in Maceio, my father really got sick, but he was ok after 2 days. Then, it was my turn: I got sick too… hehe. Their food is so strong and different…There, it is always sunny, in spite of this weird rain that falls so often (A LOT), but after 15 minutes the sun is back, the weather is clear, and you can enjoy the beach.

My family and I have beautiful stories about this trip.

For now, that’s it.


God bless you,

And have you all a nice week!

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Travelling is one of the most exciting things in life. It´s indeed a fun way to learn about lots of things:places, cultures, languages, you name it…Of course, one may say we don´t need to go away to learn about those things as we have the world at hand with the web. But that´s not the same.The fun of packing up, taking a bus or a plane, or maybe even a train, checking in at hotels, finding places to have a meal, etc, etc is unique.

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